First, you should know that dahlias get their nutrition from their tuber, which is a food-storage organ. Fertilizing them during the potting stage is useless, because fertilizers help in the production of leaves, which take attention away from the flowers. Instead, fertilize your tuber when you start seeing a few leaves appear. In this phase, you should use a balanced mix of phosphorus and nitrogen.
To grow dahlias from tubers, place them in a well-drained container. Then cover the container with compost and water regularly. After a month, you should begin to notice growth. You can also add a heating mat or an inexpensive shop light to help keep the plants warm. Once you’ve established the plant, take off the five shoots that are sticking out of the soil. You can then use the remaining shoots to make basal cuttings.
Dahlias: Easy or Hard to grow?
If you’ve never grown dahlias before, you may be surprised to learn that they’re easier to grow than you think. You can plant dahlia tubers in containers and wait until the frost is gone. This will allow the tubers to flourish before you know it. Then, just wait until they sprout. They’ll grow in no time and be spectacular in your flowerbed.
As dahlias grow, they respond to feeding. They produce large potatoes-like roots, and the more food they have, the bigger their root mass will be. This, in turn, will increase the amount of leaves and flowers they produce in the summer. For best results, test your soil to determine pH and specific needs. Apply water-soluble or granular fertilizer for dahlia plants, depending on the soil type. Traditional wisdom recommends using a high nitrogen fertilizer during the middle of the season, and minimizing it at the end of the season.
Prepare your plant for every weather
Once you’ve chosen your plants, you should prepare them for the cold weather. Dahlias grow very quickly in containers, so you should make sure they’re well supported. If you’re planting your plants from seed, you can use pots or plant tray. Then, you can place them in the soil. As a rule, a dahlia should be planted at least 1 inch above ground level in a pot with a soil-based mix.
When winter is over, you can remove the tuber. After the foliage turns black, cut off the stem and remove the tuber. Then, divide the tubers and store them in a dry place. Afterward, you can grow more Dahlias. They are relatively easy to grow and require very little care. You can plant a single plant or a clump of three to ten tubers.